Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008

Review Situs Resmi DJP

Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan search (mencari) Peraturan Pajak di situs resminya DJP? Di posting ini, saya akan menulis critic terhadap situs resminya DJP, yang mengejutkan; ternyata situs resmi DJP tidak cukup popular. Tulisan ini adalah review saya pribadi mengenai situs resminya DJP, tidak mewakili pihak lain (golongan tertentu), tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjelek-jelekkan, melainkan sebagai

Kamis, 29 Mei 2008


Posting ini akan membahas bagaimana mendeterminasi COST Vs EXPENSE, anda juga bisa mendapat sebuah free tool, yaitu: EFFECIENCY CALCULATOR melalui sebuah contest terkait dengan topic ini. Yang akan saya bicarakan bukanlah mengenai penggunaan istilah "cost" atau "kos" atau "biaya" atau "beban". Itu sudah dibahas oleh senior kita Pak Suwarjono. Saya tidak bermaksud menyaingi beliau. Saya yakin anda

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Accounting, Corporate Finance & Shareholder

Sebelum membahas Accounting, Corporate Finance & Shareholder. Saya mau Tanya: Pernah mendengar istilah ”Market”? Pasti pernah, bahkan bisa mendefiniskannya. Pernah mendengar istilah ”Capital Market (Pasar Modal)”? Tentu sering. Pernah dengar product market? Lalu, jika saya bertanya: Bagimana hubungan capital market dan product market? How are they interlated? Mungkin sebagian ada yang tahu, dan

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008


Pada Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi-1, sudah dijelaskan dabagaimana membuat Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi jika nilai wajar (fair value) asset dan liabilities perusahaan investee SAMA DENGAN book value (nilai bukun)-nya. Di posting ini saya akan bahas bagaimana membuat Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi jika "Asset & Liabilities fair value" perusahaan investee TIDAK SAMA dengan nilai buku-nya.Dalam kasus

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

PPh 21/26 TKA-Gaji Diperkecil

Sudah sangat common praktek memperkecil nilai gaji tenaga kerja asing pada laporan PPh Pasal 21/26 dilakukan, bahkan pada tenaga kerja Indonesia-pun tidak sedikit diantara kita melakukannya. Sebenarnya, apakah itu boleh?, apakah itu worthy (setimpal/layak) untuk kita lakukan?, Darimanakah praktek pengecilan nilai gaji tenaga kerja asing berawal? Apa pemicunya?, di akhir artikel nanti saya


Pengenalan Accounting Roles Bagi Manager ini akan membahas mengenai perkembangan “accounting roles” dari awal hingga perkembangan terkini, bagaimana accounting akhirnya mempengaruhi “non-financial manager’s roles” terkait dengan penggunaan informasi keuangan. Pembahasan nanti akan mencakup: Accounting, accountability dan Account, Sejarah singkat accounting, The role of management accounting,

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Whose Insurance Does What during "DELAYED POSSESSION"?

Got this great question from Jennifer Allan, author of Sell With Soul today and thought the answer might be helpful.

Hey Dennis...

What's the deal when a home sells and closes, but there's a delayed possession - that is - the seller retains possession of the property for a few days past closing to move out?

If there's damage... which homeowners policy pays? The buyer's (who owns the property, but hasn't yet taken possession) or the seller's (who no longer owns the property)?


WOW! Great questions, Jennifer.

Homeowners insurance for the buyer goes into force to close escrow. After the closing, the BUYER owns and insures the house. Should there be damage to the home, it would fall on the BUYER'S insurance to cover the loss. The new owner would be responsible to pay the deductible. (there could be some stipulations in the RENT BACK AGREEMENT about that, but without some agreement to the contrary, that's how it would likely settle out.)

Loss to any contents of the SELLER (those items remaining while they move out) could be covered one of two ways.

1. Using the homeowners insurance for THEIR (the sellers) new home
2. Using Renters Insurance if they're moving to a rental
Most insurance companies offer at least 30 days of "EITHER PLACE" coverage. In other words, their stuff can be covered by their existing policy for up to 30 days in the old OR the new location. So if they're moving to another home, they will have homeowners insurance in place on that new home. If they're moving to a rental, they need to roll their old homeowners insurance over to RENTERS INSURANCE for the new residence at the close of escrow, In either case, the EITHER PLACE coverage still applies using the new insurance policies to cover their contents during moving.

If you have any questions, please call, write, email, signal flags, or smoke signals.... :)

p.s. My insurance company, which is available nationwide, offers additional location coverage without a time limit. In other words, your stuff is covered anywhere in the world -- PERIOD. Doesn't matter if you're moving, storing, vacationing, or stocking your Ski Chalet in Switzerland.

Point here being that not all insurance companies handle this situation exactly the same. Check with your local insurance professional to be sure.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121

Websites: Company Site:

Client Convenience Site:

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California


USAP/CPA Indonesia Exam Periode I 2008 akan segera dilaksanakan. Bagi yang berencana untuk ikut CPA EXAM (USAP=Ujian Sertifikasi Akuntan Publik) ada baiknya mengetahui tanggal-tanggal pentingnya agar tidak sampai ketinggalan. Saya juga akan posting Soal-soal CPA International Exam beserta jawaban dan pembahasannya. Baca detailnya.Siapa tahu di antara rekan-rekan member maupun pengunjung blog ini

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008


Setelah kita bahas Teori konsolidasi, sekarang saatnya untuk bahas tehnik konsolidasi, bagaimana membuat laporan keuangan konsolidasi. Untuk memastikan topic ini bisa dipahami dengan mudah, saya akan mencoba memberikan penjelasan dari teori dan contoh yang paling sederhana dahulu. Nanti semakin ke belakang akan semakin di kembangkan dengan contoh kasus yang lebih rumit, seiring dengan

Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

PPh Pasal 21/26 Tenaga Kerja Asing - Kasus

Berikut ini adalah kasus PPh Pasal 21/26 tenaga kerja asing, perhitungan, pemotongan dan perlakuan akuntansinya. Penting bagi mereka yang memiliki tenaga kerja asing. Kasus ini disampaikan oleh Mrs/Miss.Ci sudah agak lama, dan baru sempat saya bahas, minta maaf kepada Ms Ci, juga rekan-rekan lain yang belum sempat saya bahas kasusnya.Berikut adalah kasus yang disampaikan lewat e-mail:Thanks a lot

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008


Mulai besok, di blog ini akan ditambahkan category baru, yaitu: Accounting untuk Manager. Category baru ini akan khusus berfocus mengenai bagaimana memahami akuntansi lalu mengubah pemahaman tersebut menjadi dasar pertimbangan dan alat pengambilan keputusan strategis bagi para manager semua bagian (Marketing Manager, Production Manager, HRD Manager, dan manager-manager lainnya). Sungguh di luar

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Software Accounting & Finance Open Source – Oleh-oleh Liburan

Posting “Software Accounting & Finance Open Sources ini berisi informasi berupa link dimana anda bisa memperoleh software/aplikasi accounting yang bersifat open-source (bebas download dan bebas pakai, alias gratis, alias free), mulai dari “automated budgeting dan forecasting”, “personal money manager”, “System accounting berbasis web professional”, “touch screen input multi user POS”, hingga “

Senin, 19 Mei 2008


Setelah Merger & Acquisition Accounting - Part 1 dan Merger & Acquisition Accounting - Part 2, sekarang masuk ke TEORI LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI. Penting bagi mereka yang menangani perusahaan yang memiliki subsidiary (anak perusahaan) dan ingin memahami laporan keuangan konsolidasi from the scratch.Untuk memperoleh pemahaman dan manfaat yang maksimal, saya akan coba untuk men-seimbangkan

4 Best Accounting Sources/References – Brainstorming

Literature/buku/referensi apakah yang bagus dipakai untuk bidang accounting (akuntansi) dan perpajakan (taxation)?. Buku manakah yang dipakai sebagai acuan (referensi)? Sekarang saya ingin bertukar pikiran dengan anda….. (Sekedar untuk bahan berpikir, jika anda masih punya space untuk berpikir di sela-sela pekerjaan).Jika kita kelompok-kelompokkan, best knowledge sources (sumber pengetahuan

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008

Merger & Acquisition Accounting – Part 2

Merger & Acquisition Accounting melibatkan keputusan-keputusan yang berhubungan dengan; bagaimana transaksinya distrukturisasi, bagaimana kesepakatan (M&A) dicatat, kapan konsolidasi dilakukan. Yang paling penting adalah "bagaimana laporan M&A disusun" agar bisa me-representansi posisi keuangan obyektif baik itu di sisi perusahaan induk (acquirer/parent company) maupun subsidiary (acquire).

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008


Sejauh ini kita di Accounting, Finance & Taxation sudah berinteraksi dengan cukup baik, akan tetapi itu baru komunikasi dua arah saja (member & author/admin), rasanya masih kurang lengkap. Rasanya akan lebih indah dan lebih hangat jika kita bisa mewujudkan komunikasi 4 (empat arah). Terlebih-lebih jika kita bisa saling mengenal dalam scheme yang lebih real (lebih nyata) lagi, sangat mungkin kita


Penggabungan Usaha adalah salah satu strategy dari aktivitas perluasan usaha yang banyak dilakukan. Dan penggabungan usaha pilihannya ada 2 (dua), yaitu: Merger & Acquisition. Sebagai pegawai accounting dan keuangan (mulai dari staff hingga management) mau tidak mau harus memahami prosedur dan bisa melakukan administrasi atas kejadian ekonomi seperti ini. Itulah sebabnya mengapa memahami Merger &

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008


Apa itu Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi?, Kapan diperlukan? Metode / Pendekatan/Approach apa saja yang biasa dipakai?, Bagaimana prosedurnya?. Mulai posting ini sampai beberapa posting ke depan saya akan membahas mengenai LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI, mulai dari konsepnya, metode-metodenya, prosedurnya, tentu saja akan disertai oleh contoh-contoh kasus, tidak ketinggalan kajian perpajakan terkait

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Calculator Penyusutan Aktiva – Excel Sheet

Seperti sudah saya sampaikan sebelumnya, sekarang Calculator Penyusutan Aktiva Tetap – Excel Sheet saya publish mulai sekarang.Bentuk CaluclatornyaSeperti ini: Jika screen shoot di atas diperhatikan, bisa dilihat bahwa calculator ini terdiri dari 5 kolom:Kolom #1: Tahun periode penyusutanAkan terisi sendiri (anda tidak perlu input apapun di sini).Kolom #2: Double Cleaning BalanceHasil perhitungan

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Calculator Penyusutan Aktiva Tetap - Excel Sheet

Saya akan publish CALCULATOR PENYUSUTAN AKTIVA TETAP nanti jam 3 sore. Calculator ini bisa menghitung penyusutan aktiva tetap dalam hitungan detik, untuk 4 jenis methode penyusutan terpopuler sekaligus. Anda tinggal memasukkan harga perolehan, nilai residu dan umur ekonomis. Bam!!!.... hasilnya langsung anda peroleh, untuk 5 (lima) macam methode penyusutan. Sangat membantu mempercepat proses

PPH PASAL 23 (Perhitungan, Pemotongan, Pencatatan, Pelaporan)

Apa itu PPh Pasal 23 ? Siapa pemotong dan penerima penghasilan yang dipotong?, Apa saja obyek pajaknya? Bagaimana contoh perhitungannya? Bagaimana prosedur pemotongannya? Bagaimana pencatatannya (perlakuan akuntansinya)? Dan yang tak kalah pentingnya; bagaimana hubungan PPh PASAL 23 dengan PPh PASAL 25 dan PPh PASAL 29? Hmm… abviously, it is not merely about tax law of the articles (PPh Pasal 23)

Cost Of Goods Sold & Pajak (Taxation Notes)

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perhitungan dan pencatatan Harga Pokok Penjualan (Cost Of Goods Sold) berkaitan dengan perpajakan. Apa saja? Kita bahas di artikel ini dengan cepat dan singkat (tetapi tanpa meninggalkan substansinya).Adapun hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perhitungan dan pencatatan Cost Of Goods Sold terkait dengan perpajakan, yaitu:[-]. Raw Material/

Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Harga Pokok Penjualan (COGS) – Struktur Laporan

Seperti apakah bentuk dan struktur penyajian Harga Pokok Penjualan (COGS) pada Laporan Laba/Rugi?. Kita akan bahas sebentar lagi.Harga Pokok Penjualan (Cost Of Goods Sold) yang sering disingkat dengan HPP atau COGS strukturnya berbeda-beda tergantung jenis usaha dan tingkat keperluan management dalam menyajikan laporan.Ada perusahaan yang menyajikan “Laporan Laba/Rugi” hanya dengan menyebutkan

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008


Setelah Standard Cost & Variance dibahas, sekarang lanjut lagi mengenai Harga Pokok Penjualan (HPP/COGS) perusahaan manufaktur. Yang sering menjadi sumber kesulitan dalam memahami Harga Pokok Produksi dan Harga Pokok Penjualan perusahaan manufaktur adalah alur dan jurnalnya. Sekarang akan dibahas khusus alur dan jurnalnya.Beberapa bulan yang lalu, friend’s of my friend mengalami kesulitan

Kamis, 08 Mei 2008

I've had a FIRE! What do I do now?

Fire can be one of the most traumatic and devastating losses anyone can experience.

If you've had a fire and there were injuries or a death, my sincere condolences. If you've experienced just loss to property, please take a moment to be thankful that there we no injuries or death.

You're probably still in shock that this has happened to you and bewildered by the seemingly endless task ahead of you. This is going to be a ONE DAY AT A TIME process. If you can settle into that thinking, this will be much easier. Every day that you make progress toward rebuilding your life is a WIN. Ask yourself at the start of each day, "What does WIN THE DAY look like
TODAY?" Make a VERY SHORT list of a few things that will get you to that WIN THE DAY feeling and be happy with that.

If your loss is a severe one (a total loss or one where SUBSTANTIAL work is required to get you back into your home) then you need to first think about some long-term living arrangements.

This should be your first priority. You might be put up with friends or in a hotel at first and you may need to get some basic items like clothing, personal items (toothbrush, etc) but don't get involved with any other stuff until you're settled into where you're going to live.

Your insurance company should be very generous here. You can usually rent a place similar to yours at their expense. They won't pay you any extra though.

For example, if you were renting a house or apartment, you won't be required to pay rent while you're out of your home, so you'll just be paying rent someplace else. The insurance company might make up the difference if there's nothing available similar to yours. The goal is to keep your monthly expense about the same.

If you owned a house, you'll still be responsible for your mortgage so the insurance company
should pick up the entire cost of renting another place.

Just rent some furniture for now and then SLOWLY, replace it with items you purchase along the way. You'll have plenty of time to shop for furniture once the contractor gets busy rebuilding your home.

OK. So now you have a "home base" from which to rebuild your life. Its important to have this so you can focus on gathering, replacing, purchasing the things, memories and items necessary for daily living.
DON'T BE TOO HASTY TO "HIRE" THE SERVICES of a 'PUBLIC ADJUSTER'. This is someone who will show up EARLY. (like while the fire department is putting the hoses back on their truck) They will tell you that they will do all the negotiating with the "big bad" insurance company for you for a small fee. SAY NO FOR NOW.... (you can always go to them later and their "small fee" is THOUSANDS of dollars....) You're better of without them.

Your claim adjuster is going to be your new best friend. That's an important mind-set to adopt. Look to him as a source of information, encouragement and ideas to get the most out of your insurance policy. The company I'm with (and most companies) will look for ways to BE ABLE TO PAY YOU rather than looking for ways to get out of paying you. Remember, losses are calculated into what they charge and a good claim experience and positive results serve them much better than saving a couple thousand dollars by nickel and diming you to death.

TAKE NOTES. You should pick up a 3-ring binder w/ some paper. You might want to get some tabbed pages to keep track of THINGS TO DO, NOTES ON CALLS, CONTACT INFORMATION, etc. Remember think MARATHON not SPRINT. You're going to need a central location (the notebook and maybe a small file
box) to keep track of your information.

They're going to start by giving you an overview of the entire process. There will be a contractor to find, plans to draw up, lists to create, receipts to keep, and plans to make. Take good notes and remember to keep thinking 'just one day at a time.'
KEEP YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND HAVE FUN! Yeah, I know that sounds a little off. But this is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You get to start all over. Fresh! New!

Make a decision to enjoy this process -- This curve ball that life has thrown your way. If you're married you can play 'newlyweds' all over again. If you're single you can make a substantial change in your lifestyle, your look, anything you want.

Decide to be BETTER not bitter because of it.

Yes.... Make a conscious decision that this is probably one of the most exciting adventures you'll ever have. Get just a few things and relish in how simple life can be. You'll "clutter back up" soon enough so just enjoy the spartan simplicity.

Buy a different brand of underwear, splurge on some really plush socks, or get a pair of just THE COOLEST JEANS EVER! Try out new ways of cooking with new dishes. Get back to enjoying the simple things in life. You'll be a bigger and better person because of it.

Don't forget to let your friends help you. You'll deepen your relationships and forge new friendships along the way. Just let it all happen.


There's way too many variations and possibilities to go into within the scope of this blog. But here's a few things to think about as you begin to work with your adjuster and contractor.
  1. The insurance company will generally pay to build the house just like the one you lost but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUILD IT THE SAME WAY. If you've always wanted a big picture window on the west side... then GET ONE!
  2. Take your time with your architect or making your own sketches of how you want your house rebuilt. You might even be able to change the "footprint" of the slab (the basic shape and orientation of the house) One of my clients who lost their home in the San Diego fires of 2003 had always lamented that the side of the house with the best view had just one little tiny window. Well.... They fixed that w/ 4 huge picture windows and instead of having the bathroom there, it was their den and fireplace area. Turned out BEAUTIFULLY!
  3. Have a plan to refurnish your home. Just slowly replace your rented furniture with your new stuff as the "building the home" process unfolds.

The process of rebuilding your home can be the most challenging event you've ever experienced. It can also (at the same time) be the most rewarding and life-changing! After all, if you can survive this, sitting in traffic or having to replace your refrigerator just won't phase you any more.

Contact me if you have any questions.


It's a Good Life !

Dennis Volz Insurance Agency
10783 Jamacha Bl, Suite 1, Spring Valley, CA 91978
OFFICE: (619) 670-1000 - FAX: (619) 670-1121

Websites: Company Site:

Client Convenience Site:

My 'Other Blogs'
Working by Referral
Musings from California

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Feedback : Accounting, Finance & Taxation blog

Dari feedback yang masuk ke Accounting, Finance & Taxation Blog, yang isinya pandapat user (visitor) mengenai blog ini, saya memperoleh gambaran tentang kesulitan-kesulitan (issues) yang dialami oleh user/visitor, apa yang harus dipertahankan dan apa yang harus saya perbaiki/tingkatkan. Walaupun itu baru pendapat beberapa orang saja, tetapi sudah menjadi signal untuk saya follow up.Pada

Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Tarif Bea Masuk: MFN, CEPT, EHP, NT & ST

Apa itu Tarif Bea Masuk MFN (Most Favourable Nations), CEPT, EHP (Early Harvest Package), NT (Normal Track), ST (Sensitive Track)? Apa tujuannya, bagaimana implementasinya? Mungkin informasi ini berguna bagi rekan-rekan yang menggeluti aktifitas Export dan Import, apa pentingnya bagi dunia perpajakan dan accounting?Mengikuti perkembangan (updated) hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan aktifitas